Thursday 27 June 2013

Piper's Story (The Final Part)

Although this blog is mainly about Piper, I feel that I owe it to Ghost to write a short tribute about him. I had to make the heart-wrenching decision to have him put to sleep after he had been intermittently lame and after nerve blocks and finally x-rays, we found out that he had a rare benign tumor(keratoma) in his near fore hoof. Almost half his pedal bone had eroded due to this mass and the vet explained to me that he could be operated on, but the operation itself would be a danger (coming round from anesthetic can cause major problems), and Ghost would have to spend months on box rest, a year to 18 months to recover and may still never come right to be ridden. I made the difficult decision immediately because I knew that I couldn't put him through any of that suffering. He was aged 20, he would have been so stressed on box rest, he was prone to weight loss and if the outcome of it all had rendered him a companion, he would have hated it as he thrived on work.

My proud, beautiful horse deserved a dignified end. I could barely put in words the things that he taught me, not just about riding but about life too. His attitude was always positive, his charisma shone through for all to see and everyone that met him adored him. He was my best friend for 5 years, my absolute world. I gave him a happy few weeks out in the field, which was torture in itself for me. I felt like I needed to pinch myself everyday to remember what was going to happen. But on the 6th November 2012 the reality hit me, as I spent time fussing and grooming Ghost for the last time before loading him onto the hunt lorry and kissing him goodbye. He was having the end that I would have opted to give him out of many choices- he wasn't suffering,  he looked a picture of health and he was happy. My last memory is not one that will haunt me but one where I can smile- even through the tears. Everyday he is in my thoughts and always will be, as I write this, I cannot help but cry. I cherish the memories that he gave me yet know that he is still here in spirit, which will always be enough to comfort me, even if just a little...
My dearest friend of all time, Ghost 

What with the trauma of losing Ghost, I also faced worries with Piper. He has loved and lost good friends before which I think had affected him, and here I was unintentionally taking away his best friend of 16 months. I wasn't looking for another horse for myself but quite wanted to borrow one that would be happy to keep him company in the 5 acre field. The solution was solved quickly, due to my wonderful previous employer (owner of the stud and Piper) who gave me Starparty, a 9 yr old ex-racehorse & ex-broodmare, as his new companion. The pair instantly hit it off (they must have remembered each other!) and bared the harsh winter conditions together happily. Piper is 'The Boss' which has pushed his confidence to a whole new level, and brought him out of his shell completely, although this is also due to the fact that he is my Number 1 now and completely spoilt!
Star and Piper in the midst of the winter.

Piper came back into work in the New Year feeling fresh and full of vigour! I vowed never to give him another holiday and on some particularly 'exciting' hacks threatened to put him back in training! Once I had got his fitness to a decent level, I took him for a quiet days hunting in March with the Essex and Suffolk, as they met only 15 minutes from home. I had a fantastic ride round on him, he generally behaved well although keen and  quite hot at times but it was just excitement and eagerness! One of the most important attributes in a good hunter is one that will stand patiently at the meet, allowing you to chat, slurp a glass (or two!) of port and stuff your face with sausage rolls and fruit cake. This he passed with flying colours, and he even allowed me to take him up to the trailer to say hello to the hounds, never batting an eyelid! Hunting will definitely be on the agenda next season, I think he's a natural!

This is the final part of Piper's history up until now. I wanted to share some of the highs and lows since I have owned him and give an insight to his background, which will then hopefully make any of my future posts seem clearer! I haven't gone too in-depth into his re-schooling and rehabilitation as I thought the posts were long enough, but that will be mentioned in any prospective posts that I make.

I am now off to start a more up-to-date report...!


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